Clarification To The Typical Statements

Before reviewing these clarifications, please refer to the Typical Statements page.


  1. Feigns ignorance of legitimate minority demands for the basic ideals of all humans - justice, equity, pluralism, human treatment.

  2. Same as #1 above.

  3. Assumes that racism is an individual matter rather than one of all Whites who take advantage of the benefits of a White racist dominated society.

  4. Shows a deep ignorance of the special deprivations suffered by Black people by Whites.

  5. A denial of White responsibility for dealing with White racism. The statement blames minorities for making Whites feel helpless - a special example of "blaming the victim."

  6. Says the problem is in being a minority, not in the reaction of Whites to minorities.

  7. Says there is nothing wrong with what the speaker says or does; it's only in the minority group member's perception of what is being said or done.

  8. Denies the fact of institutional racism and every White person's responsibility to combat it. Denies reality in that if racism weren't so powerful and so effective at keeping minority groups in their place, we'd have given it up a long time ago.

  9. A contradiction - self-evident.

  10. Avoids White's current responsibility for dealing with current racism. We are all guilty for failing to take action and/or partaking of the benefits of a White racist society.

  11. Revolution is permitted for only the right (White) reasons.

  12. Assumes that there can be no true pluralism, that in fact White is right and that others are here only as Whites are willing to put up with them.

  13. Denial of responsibility and individual power to effect change.

  14. Denial of the presence and power of institutional racism.

  15. Denies legitimate human rights by treating the problem as one of individual feelings.

  16. Minority groups don't want love; they want equity.

  17. Mislabels the problem. It's a White problem.

  18. This is a statement that systematically ignores the cumulative effects of a tradition of institutional racism in this society and the larger amount of investment required by Blacks to attain the same accomplishments because of White racism.

  19. Should a battered child appreciate it when the battering stops and be grateful for only the stopping? Justice is appreciated.

  20. Insidious patronizing attitude; suggests a superior position of the White person. Whites choose; Blacks must be chosen.

  21. The speaker must deny minority group member's blackness in order to be able to relate to him/her.

  22. There's nothing wrong with the White opinion, only the Black's reaction to it.

  23. Blaming the victim doesn't adequately account for what White institutions have done to produce the results.

  24. Reacting to stereotypes.

  25. There's obviously something wrong with the Black's perception of the situation than the situation itself. Let's change the perception and leave the situation alone.

  26. It's all a Black problem. If they'd just be reasonable, they'd see that it's not as bad as they think it is and they'd understand. A total denial of the reality of the results of institutional racism.